Sébastien Vidal is a central figure in French jazz. He serves as the artistic director of the essential Parisian jazz club, Le Duc des Lombards, where artists from France and worldwide come to perform. Abroad, he actively contributes to promot and disseminates the work of the French jazz scene, particularly in New York, where he organizes the annual French Quarter jazz festival. Furthermore, he plays a more extensive role in spreading jazz as the director of TSFJAZZ, a jazz radio station with more than 430,000 daily listeners. Vidal is also an artistic director and programmer for several jazz festivals, including the Django Reinhardt Festival, International Jazz Day, French Quarter Festival in New York, and the Nice Festival.
Sébastien Vidal’s intimate knowledge of jazz, his comprehensive understanding of the jazz world due to his mastery of the music production process—from recording to management, concert organization, programming, and event promotion—his skills as a team manager, and the depth of his connections in the global music industry, all contribute to his status as a highly respected professional. His expertise is widely recognized both in France and internationally.
Duc des Lombards jazz club